BOOK REVIEW : Chanakya’s 100 Best Sutras: Ageless Wisdom for Unlocking Your Potential and Achieving Your Goals


Radhakrishnan Pillai's book, "Chanakya’s 100 Best Sutras: Ageless Wisdom for Unlocking Your Potential and Achieving Your Goals," is a compelling journey into the timeless teachings of the ancient strategist, Chanakya. In this book, Pillai, a renowned Chanakya expert, distills the essence of Chanakya's wisdom into 100 powerful sutras that offer valuable guidance for contemporary life. These sutras cover a wide spectrum of topics namely: Leadership , Managing People, Building Relationship, Career Growth, Mentoring, Recruitment and Rewards, Effective Planning, Managing Wealth, Due Diligence , Life-long Lessons. Grab a copy of this book to explore more. 

Apart from this the inclusion of insightful quotes from Chanakya's original writings adds depth to the wisdom shared in this book. Few Quotes that I have liked : 

" Control over senses, which is motivated by training in the sciences, should be secured by giving up kaam, krodha, lobha, mana, madh, and harsha.

" King who has not learnt the teaching of the science of politics is unfit to listen to counsel.”

“Fire, when it reaches another, may burn a part of the body or the whole, but a king might kill one along with sons and wife, or might cause one to prosper.

As a reader, you'll find yourself not only learning from Chanakya's teachings but also applying them in your daily life. Whether you seek to improve your leadership skills, make wiser decisions, or nurture personal and professional relationships, this book provides a roadmap for success.

In summary, "Chanakya’s 100 Best Sutras" is a treasure trove of ageless wisdom that empowers readers to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. Radhakrishnan Pillai's expert curation and insightful commentary make this book an invaluable guide for anyone on a quest for personal and professional growth. It's a must-read for those seeking timeless guidance in the modern age.

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Total Pages : 

Content: 4.9 ⭐

Title: 4.5 ⭐ 

Language: 4.7 ⭐ 

Cover: 4.6 ⭐

Overall Ratings : 4.8/5 ⭐

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PHOTO CREDIT : bibliophile.maniac
