"A Riveting Blend of Politics and Intrigue"

Juggi Bhasin's latest novel, " THOSE WHO WAIT " is a masterpiece of political intrigue and adventure, had me captivated from the very first page. However, I must express my reluctance to delve into the story's details here, as uncovering its surprises is an integral part of the reading experience, and spoilers would only diminish the magic crafted by the author.

What stands out most prominently in this book is Bhasin's impeccable storytelling and the flawless flow of his prose. The narrative is tightly woven, ensuring that I couldn't put the book down until I reached the final page. Bhasin's writing style is undeniably fast-paced, turning each chapter into a cliffhanger and making this novel an absolute page-turner. It's the kind of book you can read anytime, anywhere, and get lost in its world.

The author's talent shines in the creation of raw and magnetic characters, as well as the intricacies of the plotlines. The characters are complex and relatable, making it easy for readers to become emotionally invested in their journeys.

In summary, I wholeheartedly loved this book and would strongly recommend it to fellow readers. I also extend my gratitude to the cover editor, whose work ensured that this gem didn't remain hidden on my shelf for long. I approached this review with an unbiased and honest perspective, and I can confidently say that " THOSE WHO WAITS " is a must-read. Don't miss the opportunity to dive into this thrilling adventure by Juggi Bhasin.

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Paperback 📚

Total Pages : 446

Storyline : 4.8⭐

Title: 4.5 ⭐ 

Language: 4.6 ⭐ 

Page Quality: 4.3 ⭐

Overall Ratings : 4.7/5 ⭐

